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Matagalpa, Nicaragua, Latijns-Amerika, Midden-Amerika, project, organisatie, stichting, vrijwilliger, vrijwilligerswerk, psychiatrisch verpleegkundige, ziekenhuis, psychiatrie, schizofrenie, psychose, psychotische stoornissen, familie, familievereniging, armoede, Latinoamérica, América Latina, Centroamérica, América Central, proyecto, organización, asociación, voluntario, trabajo voluntario, enfermera psiquiátrica, hospital, psiquiatría, esquizofrenia, psicosis, trastornos psicóticos, familia, pobreza, Latin America, Central America, project, organization, foundation, volunteer, voluntary work, psiquiatric nurse, hospital, psychiatry, schizophrenia, psychosis, psychotic disorders, family, poverty

Welcome to Cuenta Conmigo

Cuenta Conmigo is an organization for family members and friends of people with a psychotic disorder in Matagalpa, Nicaragua.

(Film: Jesse van Venrooij)

The objective of the organization is to bring together those involved, to share experiences, and to organize meetings that create a better understanding of psychosis and how to deal with a psychotic member of the family. By means of house visits and the cooperation with other relief workers, Cuenta Conmigo aims to strengthen the marginal aid to psychotic people in Matagalpa.

The first activities that have led to the formation of Cuenta Conmigo as it exists today, took place in October of 2005. Currently there is a local administration and since 2009 the organization has its own office.

The support Cuenta Conmigo offers is with thanks to the support of Stedenband Tilburg-Matagalpa (Netherlands), the Comité Mano Vuelta (Nicaragua), social funds, private donations and the effort of volunteers in the Netherlands as well as in Nicaragua.

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